“There is a lot of terminology and descriptions in professional books and the language of mental health professionals, but very few instructions on how to actually help.”

If we want to find a solution to any problem, we need to find and understand the cause of its origin. To find the place where it all started. The point from which the consequence we are experiencing now unfolds.

If our feelings are overwhelming, such as depression or full of fear and threatening, such as anxiety, we often read that it is caused, for example, by a lack of a specific hormone (e.g. melatonin) or by the activity of a part of the brain (e.g. amygdala), which takes over control when we feel threatened and cannot otherwise consciously cope with the situation.

Although this sounds professional, it is not a sufficient explanation of the cause of why this happens. Why do we not find vitality, meaning and joy in life and feel threatened in situations that are not threatening? It is interesting that there is a lot of terminology and descriptions in professional books, but very few instructions on how to help. It speaks to our ability to observe and describe, but our lesser ability to understand the real causes and help.

“Our body is a tool for expressing our thoughts and feelings and putting them into action. If our mental state is unbalanced for a long time, our body will start to express this state as well and put it into action in a very concrete way in the form of diseases and physical problems.”

Our body is the tool through which we feel and express ourselves. It doesn’t work without it. When we have physical problems, we have two options. Either we are satisfied with the opinion that a specific organ in the body is the cause of our problem, and it is pointless to look for anything else. Or we can undergo meaningful treatment and at the same time continue to search, if we believe that our health problem is a reaction of the body to something deeper.

“Who is in charge here?”

Who is the driver? Does our mind control our body or does our mind control our body? Both the psyche and the body influence each other and, of course, illness or old age can secondarily affect our mental state. However, the one who turns the steering wheel and is the deeper cause is our mind. The body only reflects this state and gives us a more tangible answer to what is happening to us in our mind.

“What does the body primarily react to in the long term?”

Our body does not react only to external circumstances (the external world), but primarily to the internal one. It is called the state of our mind. The state of our mind cannot be solved successfully and in the long term by taking pills or by words (analysis and rationalization). They always give us a certain short-term relief from the problem and perhaps a different perspective. Although even that may be temporarily necessary, it will not bring us a permanent solution, and if we stop taking the pills, we feel bad again. And we feel bad when we try to force our mind to the “right” belief and it doesn’t work or when we lose vigilance, and it does what it wants again.

“The energy centers in our body are like a map showing the state of our mind and our development. It also shows what is out of balance and blocked.”

In our body there are energy centers that tell us exactly about the state of our mind, our development, and the nature of our burdens. There are seven main centers. In these places are stored our organs, glands and other systems that control and drive the processes in our body. When our mind is strong, healthy, and natural, then the body is also healthy. If our mind is burdened for a long time, then our problems will also manifest physically. In other words, we will start to have a problem exactly in the center that characterizes our problem and with the organs that are stored in this center.

“And now for a specific example.”

I had a client who suffered from anxiety, had long-standing and intense problems with urinary tract infections, and had also had a hysterectomy a long time ago. The doctor prescribed her antibiotics every two months and tried to see if they would work. This went on for many years.

“The first energy center speaks to our ability to survive. When we don’t survive and don’t feel safe, we can’t aspire to anything else. We are constantly on the lookout.”

Our first energy center relates to feelings of safety and support, the ability to survive, cope with stress and take care of ourselves. If this center is not in balance, we have a problem with states of threat, inability to trust healthily and we are afraid of the future. It will also manifest in the body with some typical physical symptoms, such as back pain in the lowest parts of the spine or problems with the colon, rectum, and defecation. It can also be varicose veins, problems with legs and feet (knees, ankles, toes) or loss of bone and muscle mass, etc.

“The second center speaks to the ability to find joy and meaningful relationships. Only with a sense of security can we truly rejoice and create space for ourselves and others.”

The second center relates to sensuality, our sexuality, creativity, a positive attitude towards intimacy, the ability to find joy in everyday activities and to have meaningful relationships. If this center is not in balance, we stagger in unprocessed feelings. We have feelings of guilt and shame, we do not find joy in life, our relationships are not satisfactory. Typical physical problems are in the area of the pelvis and hips, problems with reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys or adrenal glands, etc.

“The result of therapy.”

After the therapy, which was focused on both centers, the client started to feel safer, the anxiety states subsided, and she found that she was much more adaptable to changes. It was a combination of non-dual therapy, bioenergetics and neurolinguistic programming. Things that interfered with her intimacy stopped happening, feelings of guilt and shame subsided, and her relationships improved. Bladder problems were significantly relieved, and she was able to stop taking antibiotics. After each therapy, she had temporary pain in the pelvis and hips, as the suppressed aspects were released, the former stiffness was replaced by greater flexibility and the body also called for the need to cleanse itself. Hips are no accident. Especially in women, they speak of sensuality and the return of their flexibility is a good sign.

“The body is the most sophisticated and ingenious product on our planet. Much more than an iPhone, and yet no one reads the manual for it, as one wise man wittily remarked.”

We take the body as a machine that we try to repair, as our expertise allows us to. But it is a very ingenious and sophisticated machine that is directly connected with the states of our mind and is powered by our life energy. Without our mind and life energy, the body would not be functional, it would not even be able to develop. Imagine a really good engineer who would design a machine where things would not be interconnected and would not support each other in order to achieve the desired result. We would simply take care of the wheels and the engine, ignoring the transmission, steering and fuel, claiming that it has nothing to do with the car. Is God or nature a good or bad engineer? Was it really designed this way, or do we just not understand enough about this delicate and sophisticated mechanism?

If we do not understand ourselves and do not learn to navigate our lives consciously where we want them to go, we will never be truly happy. Our body will remind us of this, and it is important to start understanding its deeper expression.

“We are reluctant to accept the influence of our mind and the manifestation of life energy on our physical body because they cannot be seen under a microscope.”

Since energy centers are more difficult to prove, since our five senses are not able to detect them, we are reluctant to accept this fact. Just as we were reluctant to believe what is in the body until we performed the first autopsy. The one who really performed the first autopsy was dragged by society and persecuted, because the professional public at that time did not want to hear about it, because it undermined its position.

“The quality of our life is primarily determined by how we feel and what we think. Everything else is less important.”

In today’s modern methods of coaching and therapy, techniques have begun to appear (e.g. neurolinguistic programming, bioenergetics, etc.) that have begun to rediscover this complex system of interconnectedness. Each of these methods has its own specific view and approach, which, although still limited, creates the building blocks of new knowledge and the conditions for its acceptance. The path to our overall health (mental and physical) can only lead this way, because the quality of our life is primarily determined by how we feel and what we think. The body and its health will follow and will be at their maximum.

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