About Me

My Story

For many years, I have been dedicated to working with the mind, and alongside the therapeutic methods themselves, I have also undergone initiations into some Eastern teachings, particularly AtiYoga, or Dzogchen – an ancient teaching about the primordial state of being, which is inherent in everyone from the beginning as their inner and natural essence.

In my therapeutic work, I combine non-dual therapy with work on energy centers. More information is available in the text dedicated to both Non-Dual Therapy and energy centers. In both therapy and personal development, I emphasize the self-knowledge of each individual, as only such understanding ignites the necessary change, is truly transformative, dispels doubts, and alongside self-awareness, fosters self-confidence.

I studied biomechanics at university, completed training in the therapeutic methods and techniques that I use, I have personally gone through them all, and I am also a certified coach.

My journey to therapy was quite long. Since childhood, I have asked myself the question of who I am and suffered from a mental disorder that is now diagnosed as generalized anxiety. During adolescence, I managed to get rid of most of my difficulties by intentionally exposing myself to stimuli, not reacting, and simply observing my mind. I knew nothing about therapy or meditation; it seemed like the right and natural approach to me. I studied biomechanics at university, worked at the Academy of Sciences for a while, and then spent many years leading the development of technology and software products on several continents and in several countries. I met people from many cultures and social strata, and they all had one thing in common—they actually knew nothing essential about who they were.

I studied various teachings and still felt like something essential was eluding me. Something that couldn’t be grasped by reason or intellect. In 2010, a friend recommended the book The Mirror by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu to me. I read the book in a moment and felt as if someone was speaking to me, and I finally understood and perceived the depth of the message that is beyond the intellect. I was attracted by the directness of working with the mind, for which I had sufficient capacity, partly due to overcoming my childhood difficulties. I went to see Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and then spent several years studying and practicing Atiyoga, receiving initiation into it as well.

A few years later, “coincidence” once again led me to Nukunu Jørgen Larsen, a Danish psychologist and awakened person, with whom I studied non-dual therapy for several years. It was again the absolute directness, efficiency, and effectiveness of his approach and method, which goes to the very core of the truth, that won me over. The depth of understanding and the positive changes that occurred in me and my life were enormous and motivated me to continue working.

Nukunu summarized the entire approach in a teaching that he called Non-dual Therapy, which is a compact combination of methods based on Eastern teachings and Western therapy with the aim of achieving lasting inner transformation, liberation from inner conflict, and connection with what is natural, authentic, and permanent within us — our true essence. This itself is the healer and the true in one.

Life has of course brought me new challenges, and it continues to do so to this day, and although I often wonder what will come, I am still frequently surprised by what does. Thanks to hard work and the methods of Atiyoga and non-dual therapy, I have the ability to understand my journey and surprises, to move forward and help others do the same.

Throughout my life, I have felt a need for more authentic expression and creativity. That’s why I recently wrote a book that is going to be published soon, and I am also working on other projects  aimed at helping people improve their quality of life and understand their own truth and nature. There is nothing more beautiful that can happen to you in life than discovering your own truth and nature.

I do not teach or pass on anything that I haven’t experienced or realized in my own life. There is no other way. The only way to truly know something is to experience it. That is what human life is for.

Education and Courses

  • Intensive Nondual Therapy (intensive therapeutic training, Jørgen Larsen, Denmark, 2019 – 2021)
  • Advanced Nondual Therapy (private 7-day deep transformational work with Jørgen Larsen, Denmark, 2021)
  • Primal, Gestalt, and Open Group Therapy (intensive therapeutic training, Jørgen Larsen, Denmark, 2019 – 2021)
  • Atiyoga and Meditation (several years of deep transformational practice, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Italy, 2012 – 2018)
  • Yoga of Dream and Natural Light (7-day deep transformational work with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu)
  • Coaching and Neuro-linguistic Programming Techniques (six-month therapeutic training, Institute of Transformational Psychology, Prague, 2024)
  • Psycho-energetic Transformation Techniques (six-month therapeutic training, Institute of Transformational Psychology, Prague, 2024)
  • Retreat in Darkness (7-day deep transformational work, 2022)

Academic Education

  • Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics (Master of Science, Czech Technical University in Prague, 1992 – 1997)
  • Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Residual Stresses in Human Coronary Arteries (defended diploma thesis, supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Laboratory of Human Biomechanics in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital, 1996 – 1997)
  • Biomechanics (Czech Technical University in Prague, 1995 – 1998)
  • Biophysics (3rd Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University, Prague, 1995 – 1996)
  • Physiology, Physiological Practice, and Pathophysiology (3rd Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University, Prague, 1995 – 1997)
  • Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II (3rd Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University, Prague, 1995-1996)

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